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Last night my father passed away after a short fight with cancer. I'm going to be taking a break.

In the meantime a friend of mine will be handling my account and posting comics. There wont be a notable shift in schedule since most of what I've made has been written in advance.

Thanks for your support



So very sorry to hear that. :( *hugs*


Im sorry


Sorry for your loss, you have my condolences.


Take all the time you need.


Take your time okay?

Vampire Lord

My condolences. I'll he waiting for your return.

Cody Purdy

Take your time and please take care


My condolences 😢 take your time!!

J. "Night Spark" M.

Wow and to think you were going to go see him soon too...

Gregory Yamasaki

Take it easy alright? We don't want you working while your not well ;-;


I’m so very sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss, my father passed away this year as well. There is no formula for grieving. Take all the time you need.


So sorry for your loss! Please, take your time, as much as you need. We won’t be going anywhere!


Take as long as you need


My deepest condolences Merryweather. Pease take all the time you need.


So sorry for your loss. Take whatever time you need to do what you need to for this.

Nordin The Lich

All of our wishes are with you in this time of grief.


sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need.


Sorry for your loss :(


We will always be here to support you ❤️


Sorry for your loss, best wishes going your way.


I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need off. <3


Words betray. Sorry for your loss. Keep your chin up, and be there for your family now.


Ik it doesn't help, but I'm sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, we all send our love and support.


Sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, we'll always support you!


So sorry to hear that. I've lost 2 family members to cancer, and my little brother is almost done with all of his leukemia treatments. My heart goes out to you and your family!!!! Much love! <3

Reficul Terumi

That’s awful. You have our condolences. Take all the time you need and know that we’ll still be here supporting you.


you and me both brother through mine died on my birthday 2 years ago


Please take your time, you've been good to us, take care of yourself.


Is it weird that I find this very arousing...


My condolences and take your time losing a family member is never easy.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Please take your time and make sure you keep a good state of mind


Sorry for your lost.


Sorry for your loss. My father is fighting cancer right now and it’s not easy. Take all the time you need. We’ll all be here when you get back.

Joshua Kornacki

Sorry for your lost take all the time u need we will still be here to support u any way

Nick Marzan

My condolences on your lost. Take all the time you need


Lost my father to cancer as well. Take as much time as you need. We'll be here. Take care.

alexis d

May your father rest in peace. We will wait don't worry..Good luck to you in this sad period.

Dark D. Moon

I'm sorry for your lost, my condolences :(


I'm truly sorry for what you've lost you can take as long as you need it took me months to get back on my feet when my grandmother passed away


My most heartfelt condolences for your loss. Take care of yourself


Losing a parent is one of the parts of life nobody expects. I wish for you the strength to see yourself as well as your family through the time ahead.

Geoffroy M.

I'm so sorry for your lost. Take your time, we will always be there to support you.

Josiah Taylor

Sorry bro take your time.


Sorry to hear that. Thoughts and prayers

Ranma( Matty)

Take you as some who has been was losing my mother to breast cancer back in February near her birthday I get and wish you the best as well


I can't say anything good... Just take a long rest to mourn your loss please.

Terrus Dawn

Take all the time you need, I'm sorry for your loss.

Princess Hinghoi

I'm sorry for your lost,i'm also lost my mom few years ago too so i know how you feel.take your time.


;-; *bunhug* im sorry..


Sorry to hear that man. Peace be with your dad.


sorry to hear that, I know what it's like to lose someone to cancer


I'm sorry for your loss


My father died of cancer not even a year ago himself. Take all the time needed, we all understand.


I’m sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need, I lost my grandpa a couple of years ago because my doctor poisoned him with an incorrect prescription and it still upsets me till this day. But you have to be strong, that what he wants from you the most and enjoy your life. Hope you feel better.


I'm really sorry to hear this... The same thing happened to my father 4 years ago while I was in the University and got the news. Take all the time you need, it's a very necessary step. Really, my condolences.


We understand and whole heartedly support you during your loss, take all the time you need, and we'll be right here waiting for your return


I am sorry to hear this. Take all the time you need.


My condolences to you. Hope you'll recover from this smoothly. ❤️


So sorry to hear this. I hope you're getting the support you need as you go through this.


Sorry to hear :( I'm sending love and good vibes to you and your family!


I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better soon and take your time!