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Poor molly seems really traumatized


Nyarla doesn't mind her husbando interrupting her show 👀


Hopefully we get see more of the pink haired and bandages girl! ^^

John and Marcella

I hope this story is going somewhere, I enjoy the art work emencly, but it feels like each new comic has less and less to do with the last.


I love it so far :))) We're getting into actual Lovecraftian horror with Molly!!!


Imma need more of that bandage chick cause me oh my what a cutie


Seems that the Great Ones have blessed Molly with knowledge. Oh... how I envy her.


Not really against it or anything, but why does pretty much every single female have breasts twice the size of their heads? Just wondering.

Thordur hrafn

Michael... oh Michael... To actually think you're missing the plot is simply too much for me to bear and as such i must ask you to go watch some "Off-Brand anime" and calm your nerves, it's the only hope you have for the future.


Lmao, nerves haven't even been sparked fam 🤙🤙 but if watching Off-Brand anime will help me to see the light, and the true reason and glory of this artistic choice, then I haven't a choice. I will go for now, but trust me. When I return, I shall return stronger, and more enlightened then any who have witnessed the magic of this web comic

Stephan Cato

Is this turning into a Lovecraft thing. I'm seeing patterns. Or am I wrong?


I'm pretty sure it's been Lovecraft tentacle touched since the beginning.