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Shit, where did February go? I turned for a minute and suddenly it's been two weeks.

Anyway, here's Chapter 40. I'm currently working on Chapter 41.

Then I will give The Fall some much deserved love.

I'll keep you posted.



Something tells me that Rangiku isn't going to be okay with Shirou simply going for a "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" when he hires her next chapter. When it comes to sex, that woman now has something to prove. When Shirou gives her the "standard" price of half a million yen, after making him cum the first time, she'll most likely tell him that she's giving him a special discount, and that he actually paid for the whole night with her again. At least that's what I think.


Hm. I may be remembering the event wrong, but wasn't the Holy Grail the reason Ibaraki-douji was stronger than Shuten, and that Ibaraki was still terrified of pissing her off? Or has Shuten-douji been weakened that drastically from possessing a frail little human?


Shuten has been weakened by possessing Mikado. However it is to be noted that while I take characters from FGO, they don't necessarily reflect the events of FGO.


I was intending more to use them to gauge general power levels. Although F/GO is sort of all over the place when it comes to that...

Brojo's StrangeJourney

Was rereading the older chapters and I just realized beyond the two fragments mentioned, Shirou doesn't retrieve the other three to reforge the sword, at least not to my memory. Is he gonna get them?