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Hey Guys (My top tier patrons & The Noble Sponsors),

Some of you liked this build and some had a few things they'd like to see improved upon. There's always some things which can be done better, but I agree with some of the criticism and I want to use the rest of this month to scrub away at least the pointier parts of the critique, including answering the most frequently asked question "What is this game all about????" So that's why, in this post, let me give you a quick update about my plan for the main story of Inquisitor Trainer.

Story Recap
It all started from the missing daughter case of the Governor that Heidi had to solve.
She then found clues that led her to the undercity, and  into the Creeper cultist's hideout. After observing the hideout, she knew that the cultist were infiltrating the city by spreading their genes and create offspring.  
Meanwhile back in Governor's Palace. A fishy conversation happened between the governor and the Magus named Zarenne who is a hybrid that had developed the abilities of a psyker. In that scenes, we knew that Governor and her had some kind of a deal. 

In later update
The governor who's able to govern Chunnov as he sees fit with only minimal interference from the Imperium, as long as he pays the tax, wants to stop paying taxes. But in order to do so, he needs a lot more military force to even stand a chance against the might of the Imperium. Creeper cultists can provide a solution for this problem, by providing a cheap and fast breeding armies to oppose the Imperial military, although the Patriarch of the cult have a sinister plan of his own, which is to devour the entire planet to make way for an incoming hive fleet invasion.  But unfortunately for him, in the middle of this scheme, his daughter gone missing.  Afraid of losing the deal,  he had to seek the help from the Inquisition to find his daughter (who again... is an adult. XD).

The Branching storylines
In order to defeat the governor and the Creeper Cultist, Heidi needs the help from another faction, depends on which path she's in.

1. If she chooses the loyalist path, she will enlist the help of  El'Johnsons 1st Legion, The fabulous Ultramarines, or the Elite Xenos buttkicker - The Deathwatch. (We are not sure which one yet, so we will make a polling to decide which will appear in the game)
2. If she chooses the traitor path, she will needs the help of Demons or chaos spacemarines from one of the chaos Gods. (Again we will decide which one later)

I need you guys to tell me if in the future I make the story that is not correct according to the lore. And this plan can be changed anytime in the process of developing this game. All I can promise you is I'll try my best to make all sensible dialogues and  beautiful art that's needed to make this plan works.




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