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Hey guys,

Check it out! I wanna share with you the placeholder design for the main screen of Inquisitor Trainer. I know that the main screen of our  previous build looks so bad and way too simple. I think it'll be enough like this for now than what I’ve been currently displayed.

To be honest, I'm not super satisfied with this image yet. So I'm planning to hire even a better artist than myself to do it because the cover is important though it's not everything. BUT don't expect it to be anytime soon though, because a good artist is hard to find.

On to other tidbits!

I'm also preparing to make the platformer game to be playable as a demo for this month.  I haven't been able to put in half the amount of time I'd like to because I also wanna make a good story update for inquisitor trainer, but I think I can rush it so it will be ready by the end of the month. Of course I'll keep an eye out for any potential problems in the development process and bugs within this build, but I'm really hoping nothing of substance will pop up. Bottom line is, I'll do my best, but not at the cost of everything. Having that said, don't underestimate my desire to get things done.

I've posted some updates previously, for those of you who didn't know about it before can click HERE. 

Personal story aside (Skip this if you're not interested!)

Finally it's time for me to do this (Inquisitor Trainer) project as my only job. This project is getting more complex and need my undivided attention. So I just gave my one-month-notice note to my office and by the end of this month, I'll be free!!! I'm super excited about it especially when thinking of the additional time that I'm gonna have, to do everything that I've been putting off for months for Inquisitor Trainer. Takes me quite long to think, re-think and another  re-think about this decision, but I finally come into conclusion and refuse to be a coward and stay forever behind someone else's project. It's time to make my own. Creating and putting your own creation out there can be a scary thing! But it's indeed exciting.

Thanks for you guys, you make it possible for me to get paid for doing something that I love to do. I'm a gamer junkie myself, and can't believe I finally develop my own game. I know there's been many mistakes in the past, but it's time to get gripped and make this better (full of speed).

I'd keep you in the loop and that's what this update about.




Good luck making this your full time job!

Joel Humphrey

Congratulations. Personal happiness/satisfaction is a must. Remember to take breaks and take care of yourself, it's easy to get lost in a project


Thanks Joel! I'll keep that in mind. :D I have a perfectionist trait which is not a good thing (and I'm not proud of it) because I could stay up all night, trying to design something, and just end up of having nothing in the morning. This can be very stressful when it's closer to the deadline. So now, I 'm trying to have more realistic plans and I'm making my own team to help me doing this (and learn to trust their work too). Thanks again for your kind attention though. Keep being healthy for you too!!!