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First off let me go ahead and say I am SUPER happy an overwhelming majority of you wanted a Synopsis on the future projects, it means a metric crap ton and has MOTIVATED me to Push harder with Kuroinu >83.

Thank you guys so much!~

Secondly Im starting with Terra first because thats a special baby of mine, it was something I made for a creatives writing class back in highschool and it has grown, evolved, devolved, been abused reused and recycled over and over again. So this project is VERY personal, heck its why I named the main dude more or less after me lol XP. Given how modern media is now a days is especally in the comics industry HOPEFULLY this can make some little ripple in all that.

But the sooner I finish Rebellion the sooner I can start on this.


Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Ecchii

Synopsis: Seth Lionheart is a down on his luck young man, after getting kicked out by his family, used and abused by more or less everyone, he has accepted that this world is twisted and wrought with corruption. On a stormy night his car breaks down in the back end of no where with little option to go on Seth camps out what he thought was a Church in the nearby woods to escape the Hurricane.

Apon entering Seth is transported to a strange location and is greeted by ten beings calling themselves "The Gods of Creation", and have come to Seth to tell him he is right the world is Twisted by Corruption but not just his World all Worlds they have made, every one twisted by a force known as "The Corruption" stagnating humanities progression and causing untold suffering, if not dealt with it could very well Destroy all worlds including his own. They have chosen Seth as amongst the billions of lives in our world they chose him as a likely candidate to succeed as he has a good heart and pure soul. He is warned if he takes this task it'll be unbeliveably dangerous and he may very very likely die, If he is unsure he dosen't have to accept and they may choose another. After Several Warnings Seth Accepts only saying
"You don't need a Reason to help someone."
With that the Gods Transport Seth into the "Prime" world the Original World where all of existance was first made, Terra. He is given a straight forward task:
Become Strong
Help Others
Destroy the Corruption
By doing these tasks he will save all worlds and souls.

Seth now ventures in a mystical and strange world only told through many fantastical tales throughout time, where he must gather strength and power to defeat the worst Aspects of Humanities Corruption, along side trust comapanions such as Mogar the Orc Champion, Maria the Wandering Swordsmen, Clair the Pirate Queen, Jermiah the Deathseeker, and many others, who will teach him to fight, teach him to use magic, and help guide him into destroying the Corruption and saving the Worlds. 



The original reality, huh? Well, as long Owlman doesn't show up with a world ending bomb. I think Seth will be okay.


That was just Earth Prime for the DC Universe, locked only within the the universe of the DC. Hey Owlman could only lock onto frequencies similar to his own Earth and no others >w> Multiverse theory is a B*** For real though I THINK everyone is focusing on the "wrong part" of the synopsis lol


I'm very excited for this story. Can't wait see what crazy adventure and fight you have for Seth and his companions. Let me just say from personal experience, I know how you feel. I also have a special story I been working on since high school. No matter what happen, or anyone say, the person who you need to satisfy in the end is yourself.