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Should I give a Synopsis of my Future Projects?

  • Yay 32
  • Nay 1
  • 2023-09-15
  • —2023-09-22
  • 33 votes
{'title': 'Should I give a Synopsis of my Future Projects?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yay', 'votes': 32}, {'text': 'Nay', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 22, 7, 7, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 15, 7, 5, 8, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 33}


I know I've given little snipits and pics and comics of my OC's and such but I don't think many peeps know what it means and what future projects are going to happen after Rebellion.

So would you all be intrested in me typing out a breif synopisis of both projects?



Honestly, I wasn't sure what to make of them at first, but I've appreciated both since getting a bit of the gist of them. I do eagerly anticipate getting a bit of a "cast list" for *My Wife Is the Demon Lord*, at least, and while I can *assume* the reason why, it'd be nice to know why he's seemingly sleeping with all her friends too. I know so much less about *Travels Through Terra*, but I'm up for it as well. Also, just in case I've never said it to you flat out, mad respect for, as I understand, basically deciding to teach yourself art and do all the drawing yourself when things fell through with your artist(s).


i would say yes, it could also count as a script for the stories if yo udo it in text format first. then when yo uar going to do or draw said page or scenario, you don't forget certain parts in case you do forget and all.


The Cast list for "My Wife is the Demon lord" Is KINDA HOOGE because its an onsomble cast of characters from diffrent monster/demon factions all showing up, even friggen Cuthulu shows up (and hes 100% not what your expecting), plus the cast is gonna get larger because Patrons can have their own Personal Character show up periodically throughout the story. Although the "Main" Characters are Sheiva and Bran. Also all the lewd pics of Bran boinkin the maids, PRIMARILY done for funzies because....lets be real those designs are peak and it'd be a shame not to utilize them >83, though if theirs a "Canon" Reason why.....A King dose need his consorts >w> Well I got made fun of my entire life by my Parents and Peers for "Never finishing/seeing things through to the end" a Bad habit I picked up in life because "Afraid of Failure" or "Too much work with no payoff" Plus it REALLY didnt help seeing metric crap tons of Fanfics and RPG maker games that never get done. So I want to see this through to the end and put some effort into it. I maybe wraping up Kuroinu Rebellions main story but theirs still QUITE ABIT that needs to be done before the game can be considered 100% finished. But because alot of you want the main story to be done plus its been going on for 10+ years now peeps are slowly loosing intrest. Thats been the main focus, get the Main Story Start to Finish Done. I can then work on the H Scenes and Side quests on my own time and not have to stress about it too much as well as FINALLY get started on something signifacntly worthwhile, Because its my own stuff I can go to town and nutter butters on it without the looming eye of copyright holders n such. (I did get the blessing of the Creators of Kuroinu but ONLY as a Fanfic)


Lol what if I told ya I already had a prescript built for both projects refined over the years, 1 back in highschool the other back from college lol