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Im still working on patching a ton of bugs after the overhaul of Ver 2.8, if you find any bugs please let me know either here on patreon, in my discord, or on my twitter, or pixiv, or devart, or furaffinity I legit have alot of areas you can contact me about bugs and errors. Im trying to make this next update be the very last update so I can solely focus on making progress on the game.

With that said alot of people have been asking whats the next Big update I teased at the end of Kuroinu Rebellion in the Credits scene, Well its simple the next Big Update is coming in Fall, I AM SHOOTING FOR OCTOBER for the release, and what specifically is the update going to be? well if your a patron you probably already know because you voted for it but for those who haven't, Im making more progress on the main story, So were going to continue progress from Lulu's Fortress

What do I plan to cover?

AT THE MINIMUM The update will cover the Big Siege of Lulu's fortress and this will be when the war finally takes a turn in the Protagonists favor, as well as making your way to Kaguya's fortress and reaching the tail end of that scenario. 

HOWEVER I do plan to continue dev on the Story mode past that point,

AT THE MAXIMUM The update will continue past Kaguyas fortress and onto Claudia's Fortress and if pushed even further to Celestines Fortress and end before you march towards the Dark Citadel and Fight Vult one last time. 

So TLDR: At the Least you will finish Kaguyas fortress and At the most you'll Finish Celestine's Fortress 

I will also be working on various side content that either needed a face lift or just needed further ironing out as well as placing more hidden goodies in the beginning of the game. as well as add in some of the new artwork I've been working on the past year as well as finishing Origa's H scenes I AM PAINFULLY AWARE 2 SCENES ARE THE OLD VERSIONS 


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