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Were nearing the final stretch of updates for Rebellion.

I finished the Maya encounter scene as you see above, and am working on the Maya joining the party scene which is 80% done. 

I am skipping 2 important quests for Lulu's seige because lulu's fortress will not be put into this update, so I wont add the saving civilians side quest into this update (Expect it for next update though) So I can get this out faster.

Moonblack is currently getting the text boxes updated as well as fixing some of the artwork errors when putting in the new pics and some battle processes that didn't work properly.

All I have left to put in so the update is "Playable" is finishing the Waterway dungeon which needs 2 more areas to explore (4 areas in total) and do the Michelle boss fight encounter, and end it with meeting with Lulu at her fortress. 

In total this looks to be about a 3/4 day Job, It MAY TAKE LONGER if Moonblack hasn't 100% fixed all the images yet It may take a few more days of playtesting (so a Week at the most)

In the end were in the final stretch for updating this >83




Congrats, and nice job.


Don't rush it. Make sure that it is stable first before release