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Good mornin everyone, hope your staying safe during these problematic times.

Finally after I finished the Request streams, I'm finally back onto Rebellion, and I'm shooting for a Late November Updated Release, Maybe Early December if more things need to be done.

Right now were Wrapping up Maya's Episode and Boss fight and when those are done and we've thoroughly playtested everything then it will be released.

I figured sense I've been dark on this for awhile I'd answer a few Questions publicly seeing as DA is where everyone seems to get their info from

"What can we expect for this update release?"

Alot of Artwork was overhauled and redone and is still in the process of being done too, Many Early maps were overhauled to be more thematic and dynamic, we also HEAVILY updated the dialogue in the game and now it fits ALOT more snug with the Visual Novel Version, It's still going to contain many things from the Anime, but the Anime skipped alot of VN Info that we could not pass on. We also have progressed the Core Story going from Alicia's Fortress to Maya's Fortress and covering the events from then to there, The Update ends when you Reach Lulu's Fortress.

"Why did it take so long for "so little" to be done?"

Yeah I put "So Little" In air quotes because it REALLY wasn't a little, ALOT of the Original content was overhauled from the ground up because it was heavily outdated and needed to be fixed/repaired into a proper game/setting. But I understand 4 years is a long time, You have to remember guys: I was doing this by myself, I was working in Retail hell almost everyday, and Real life and events were interfearing! This entire Year has been the most progress I've made in the past 3 years sense I chose to Making this game, My Full time Job

and yes I was shooting to get the entire game done this year because of the wait time, HOWEVER I underestimated just exactly what needed to be done. I want this game to be as polished as I can for you guys as possibly as I can do with my limited knowledge and resources.

"If you planned to release it this year, why only a update and not a full release?"

Again I underestimated exactly what needed to be done, plus when I quit my job and made this my full time job, it wasn't just for Kuroinu Rebellion, it was for other things as well, Artwork, Comics ect, I didn't want to be known as "Just the dude who did Kuroinu" I have to keep the book open for other things outside of Kuroinu, Plus on more than 1 occasion I had a Burn out with Rebellion and needed to break away and do something else. I'll also fully admit at the beginning of this year I wasn't 100% sure what I was doing or how I was going to do it, I wanted to try and juggle both works on Rebellion, Other H Projects, Practicing "Getting Gewd", and even start my own original content, However I learned in April that wasn't going to happen so dedicated all my time and focus on Rebellion. But at the same time I was not making no where near enough through Patreon to Survive so Commissions and Patreon Events took Absolute Priority,  I WANTED to get more done but my mother died and that set me back a few months as I didn't have my typical resources available + MY MOM DIED! I needed time to Grieve and get ahold of shit. I have to thank Deadguys1775 and Moonblack for their continued support with programing and bug testing during these times, Im extremely thankful to have some kind of help and these 2 did ALOT of work while I was focused on getting the artwork done.

"Have any of the H Scenes been updated?"

My Patrons on Patreon had full control over this, More or less every week sense June I've been doing a poll on which lady I should do a HCG Set of, With the Plan to implament their entire H Sets into the game when all 9 Sets are finished for each character, That way to save time, confusion, and bugs and crashes, It can get done like ripping a Band-Aid off, Unfortunately Every week was a different lady so it ended up becoming a revolving door on which lady was being done, not to mention these HCG sets take alot of time to complete, Im basically turning a single picture into 10+ Pictures much like in the OG VN, The Patrons have 100% Control on which lady is done and none have come up and asked to just get a entire set done. To give you a idea on what progress has been made with the HCG  Sets I'll give you the list, Also many pictures during the request stream were to be HCG sets for the Ladies so these are still works in progress, and will be done accordingly

Origa: 6/9, + 1 In progress

Chloe: 1 in progress/9

Alicia: 1 In progress/ 9

Prim: 1/9 + 2 In progress

Maya: 1/9 + 2 In progress

Kaguya: 1 in progress/9

Claudia: 1 in progress/9

Celestine 1/9

Romance Scenes: Kaguya, Maya -In Progress-

Core Scenes: 6 in progress

If you want to see these H pics, Become a Patron on my Patreon, You get Early Access to the Pics and can even vote on which Lady I draw next, And during Special events you can Always request them for those events to make progress. Plus you give the support I need to not bend over backwards to survive, If you do not want to take the Dedication to give continuous support (Its just 2$ a month) and want to do a 1 time support and still get H Pics done, Simply Order a Commission for Kuroinu Rebellion, its 50% of the price (which is 30$), for a entire H Set or a Specific scene you want redone, just Name the Character and say "For Rebellion" when ordering it,If you can not pay for the pic all up front I do have a Payment option where you can pay a little at a time til the entire pic is paid off, At this point YOU HOLD THE POWER ON THE SPEED OF PROGRESS.

"What can we Expect for 2021?"

More Game updates that for sure, I plan to get the Item list overhauled and done, Make progress into Kaguya and Lulu's portion of the story and Actually get some updated H Scenes into the game For AT LEAST Origa, Chloe, Alicia, and Prim, However remember you Guys + Patrons have full power on the progress on which H Scenes need to be done. I also need to implament many of the 'Side-Content' for the game including Patron Quests, and Personal quests for each character. I also want to get the Additional H Scenes done for Rebellion as well. What ya thought it was just the main ladies? Heck naw you get some bonus H Content if your looking hard enough, This includes characters from Kuroinu Gaiden, The Kuroinu Anime, and a few of my own Originals for Kuroinu, I don't expect the game to be 100% by 2021 but perhaps I can at least get the main story done in 2021. But Remember guys, For me to continue this I need your support via patreon or commissions otherwise I have to go back to my day job, which means progress will return to a crawl. I will also do my best to frequently update the game through 2021.

I think this covers most if not All the questions im constantly being asked, you can always ask through here on DA, on my Patreon, on my Twitter, Or in my Kuroinu Rebellion Discord page. You can also keep up to date on Picture Progress though those sites, but I also have a Pixiv to release partially censored versions of 1 of the H Pics, though to see uncen and the full set, you must be a patron on patreon, Im also going to infrequent the amount I post on Pixiv, Got to save some for the patrons plus need that moniez to survive.

Until then Im back off to work! Im hoping this can get done on the date I schedualed, Lets hope no more RL Stuff rears its ugly head in.
