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Watch here : https://vimeo.com/856585742 (password : Evie27)

❌ Get away from Chloe!!!! ❌


What did you think of this episode??


D Boss

Was it in his head, or is someone impersonating Lucifer? Chloe appears to sense something is different with him... Think of an analogy to cheesy daytime soap opera story lines, is the only clue I would give for now.... You will find out what is going on with this situation very soon. Season 5 part A and B are the crescendo of the symphony that is Lucifer... as far as intensity of things is concerned. (it's split into two halves, 1-8 are A and 9-16 are B)

Celia Fox

It was a great first episode and already setting up the start of some interesting plot lines. 5A sets up all the plot threads and 5B draws them all in to a conclusion. I think there was so much in seasons 5A and 5B, that it was probably my favourite season if I had to choose and we get answers to things for which we have waited a long time. It might have been titled 'Really Sad Devil Guy' but the whole theme of this episode was sadness in a way. Lee (Mr Said Out Bitch) coming to terms with the loss of all he should have had with his family. Luci sad at losing Chloe, Chloe, sad similarly for losing Lucifer... Maze sad for losing Eve and not knowing her own place in the world anymore. Amenadiel sad for losing or not finding his purpose in making the world a safer place for his son. It was sad too for Ella, who might think it is time for a good guy in her life but still is drawn to the type of guys who don't make her happy and even Dan, trying so hard to be positive with his essential oils and upbeat life posters on his wall... also a little sad that he is doing all of this to try and come to terms with losing Charlotte. I even thought it was a little sad that Linda was so helicoptery with Charlie- almost making him a project rather than just enjoying her child and taking a step back. Maybe it's just me but I felt the underlying sadness was a nice tie in theme for all the characters. The only way is up now I suppose but how?


You're right! everyone was kind of sad this episode :(