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New update for you guys.

I finished the last Lorraine animation for the GOLD Version. It's shown above....





Y'all wanted some variety, here's what you got lol. Not gonna lie I was honestly just messing around/having fun with this one, but I think those make the best kind of lewd animations. This is actually a vag to ana* one. If you look close, you can see it switch when she's in the air. Still got some finishing touches to do, but this is pretty much it. It's about 90% done but I need to fix some things for my own sake as I always strive for perfection with these. Anyways though, what you think?

As far as progress on the release, now that I finished the last animation I need to render it ASAP and send it to my sound guy to get sound. I have 4 this time so I'm not sure how long it'll take but most likely about a week so we're looking into first week of Feb-ish timeframe.

I went over this next version pretty deep in the last dev update so I don't have too much to say here besides look forward to this one. To recap, there's 4 lewd animations total for Lorraine, and 2 of them are for the GOLD version only, including this one. All the non-animation renders are done so I'll be showing off screenshots in the next development update as well as give you a more accurate timeframe on the release, once I know the progress on how the sound is going.

If you guys are feeling this, then I'll try and do more fun animations like this in the future. This pretty much fits Lorraine anyway as she's into working out and before this she does show off that she can do a split. 

I want to make sure all the girls have an equal value to you. So far the game has been pretty Marnie focused but I want to make sure that each Love Interest has plenty of potential content so it doesn't feel like the game is giving more attention to one person. I say potential because everything in this game is a choice.

That's all I got for this update. I apologize on the slight delay but I'm sure everyone is happy with the progress being made and I thank you all for being patient. Next version update after this coming one I will need at least 2 or 3 months though. v0.2 will be pretty big and I'll need to take my time on it as much of the story/plot happens at the party.

Thank you again for everyone here and supporting. I'll continue to work hard and I won't ever let you guys down. Let's keep going strong.

See you in the next post.
