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New dev update.

69 Animation

So I pretty much finished the Lorraine 69 animation, preview above. This animation will be in the GOLD version only. There's are the two angles. I've never really done BJ animations before but I think I did a good job. Now that I kind of got the hang of it, I'll try to do them more often. I like to have my workflow streamlined for my own mental health so I managed to get a decent method down for future BJ animations. Let me know what you guys think. 

I'm currently rendering all my animations now as I need to get them to my sound guy ASAP so he can put sound on them. I'm running a little tight schedule wise and I've been working day and night to get everything done. My plan was to have all the animations and renders done this week so that next week I can focus on coding only, but I'll have to add a few days next week to finish doing scenes. Releasing updates monthly back-to-back like this is tough, so for v0.2 (the next version after this one that's coming), I'll need at least 2 or 3 months to work on it so I can pack a lot of content in it.

Just about myself real quick....

For those of you wondering if I have a life, I don't, I'll be honest. All I do is work on Godson, and I want to get the game to a more substantial and stable point, and for Godson to be successful in general, as I'm sure you all want it to be as well so it continues. It's just me working on this, no one else is involved with this project. I'm constantly dropping dev updates, pin-ups, polls, filling commissions, everything myself. In the mornings I hop on my pc and work on the game, and I usually get off around 6pm or 7pm. I know the importance of being consistent and regardless of that, I'm just a hard worker in general. If you played the OG Godson by now, I'm sure you see and realize the major upgrade in 3D Design, animation and just the game in general. From the time I stopped working on that game till the time I came back, I been doing this same thing everyday with working on 3D all day. That's why the character design and animation in this game is good. It's because I've been doing nothing but learning 3D and improving. Back then I was doing freelance work online to support myself, but now since you all have been supporting this project it allows me to work on this game fulltime.

And don't worry, I'm good, I don't get "tired" or "burnt out"; this is just what I do man. I didn't get tired of working on the OG Godson either. I said what the situation was with that at the beginning of this game with the 3 dialogue options so everyone should understand how I work. Besides, if I didn't stop working on that then I probably would have never made the Remake so it was a blessing in disguise most likely. You guys really showed up for this Remake so I'm gonna just pump content out all year and going forward. Don't worry about what other people are doing, just make sure you yourself are supporting and we're good to go.

Anyway, 3D is my passion and I'm here to work. And yes for those wondering I am in good health, I take care of myself and I know some of you may comment and tell me to take time off from time to time and I appreciate that. But trust me, I'm good to go lol. Let's just keep the content coming.


In this next version, I decided to remove the part where the mc talks to Janice as it started to not make sense. You only would realistically see her in one specific route so I just made it easier for everyone. So for the time being, you still have not met her in person yet. How the plot get's revealed now is a more defined way and adds to you having a better understanding of what's going on rather than some sort of blackmail. I designed this game so that you (the player) are the one in control. Shit won't just happen without you allowing it to and/or having a way to prevent things from happening, or taking a different route entirely. I definitely took some inspiration from games like Baldur's Gate, KOTOR, Mass Effect, and the like. And in Adult Games, I personally feel it's most important for the player to have control. I said this before but, I don't know what other adult games you guys play (and this isn't a knock on any hard working game developer), but ones where the MC is just speaking for you the entire time and you only get options like "Agree" or "Disagree" just isn't fun imo. Hell, you might not even like what the mc is saying or how he acts, which then makes you not like the entire game because you don't feel you can connect with the mc at all or he's just annoying to you (I'm sure a lot of you can relate). In Godson, you can act like an arrogant asshole/sex addict, or you can take a calmer route, or you can just be a straight gentleman. On top of that you can take entirely different routes too, which of course adds to game development time but makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable.

This next version will focus on the interaction with Lorraine. The plot will get revealed though dialogue options and it will now introduce the MC's powers. If you think in Baldur's Gate, hopefully no spoilers here for you, but you can use your Illithid powers during dialogue to reads minds and do other things. There's no and will never be any mind control in this game (plus Patreon isn't cool with that), but you can use your powers to read minds or do other stuff during dialogue. You'll get these powers regardless of what route you're on, but I will say that you will get extra features if you have been playing the sex addict route. The game does keep track of how many people you banged.

Also, the sex scenes aren't just for show and added pleasure, they are important to the story. For example, you would obviously find out from having sex with Lorraine that she's into deepthr***, so you'll be able to mention it later down the line. It's generally considered game wise that if you entered the sex scene phase with a character, that you explored all the options and different positions during it (clicking on all the buttons). What is separate however is the new "talk" button. Let's talk about that, but first...

v0.1.8 GOLD Version

I just want to be clear, the GOLD version is restricted for Tier 2 and up only. It will feature all the previous GOLD content, and for v0.1.8, 2 extra sex animations for Lorraine. This 69 animation is one of them and I'm working to add one more. The NON-GOLD Version (Tier 1+), won't ever have any of the GOLD content. So if you last played the GOLD version, and you play the NON-GOLD version of v0.1.8 and load your GOLD save from v0.1.6, your gonna have alot of errors and the game won't work unless you load a NON-GOLD save or simply start from the beginning. Majority of the people here on Patreon are GOLD members so for most of you, you have nothing to worry about. I just wanted to make this clear. I care about you guys and your support, especially those who choose to support more, which is most if not all of you. So I want to make sure you guys are always getting everything and even more from me. The GOLD versions are my "thank you" to you guys, plus everything else I post. So I always got you.

New Talk Button during Sex Scenes

You will now be able to conversate with LI's during sex scenes. A new button is added and when you click on it, it'll show different things you can say. Go too far and you may piss someone off. For example, Lorraine does not like to be called a sl** or talked down on during sex. Rememeber, she may be cool with you but Lorraine is still a stuck-up know it all Karen-like person. If you do it too much, the game will stop the sex scene and enter a new scene. For Lorraine, she'll talk about how she didn't like that BUT you ALWAYS will have a chance to apologize or the like and get back to it. Or you can say fuck that and stick to your guns, but you may not be able to bang her anymore or atleast, for right now. Marnie on the other hand, doesn't really care what you say since she's your fa*** g********. I'm trying to design the button where if there's nothing more to say, the button won't be clickable anymore. That's where I'm at so far with this new feature.

That's all I got for this update. I'm working hard and doing my best to stay on track for this upcoming release. Make sure to check the #dev-wips in Discord for faster updates on what I'm working on (GOLD Tier)

See you in the next post.



joe b

Awesome work. Appreciate that you don't rush your work. A true artist.


Looks great! BJ's FTW!