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Back with another update!

First I want to apologize for not having anything special for Halloween posted. Typically going forward, I want to make sure to do something for Halloween and Christmas - either a DLC or an exclusive pin-up. I didn't do this yesterday because I'm far too busy working on the actual game right now to do anything like that. Next year things should be less hectic so I'll have time to do specials like that.

I was supposed to post the finished rendered animation from dev update #6 here, but it's still rendering. I'll have it posted before the end of this week though so stay tuned. The first animation above is the second sex animation for Marnie - about 90% finished, still need to fine-tune it. You guys are gonna like this one alot I think as many people have requested a doggy-style animation with Marnie. She has her arms around her back with the MC holding on to them. I always put my camera in the best position in my mind, and I always want to make sure that nothing is blocking the view. So for example, this animation originally when I was doing it had her arms on the floor and she was kind of leaning downward in a downward doggy position (because that's what I was trying to do at first). But I realized that her breasts wouldn't be moving as much nor would you see them clearly because she's leaning down. I want to make sure you get the clearest view possible (which is needed for obvious reasons) so I always try to avoid positions that would cause obstruction. There are always alternates of any sex position imo.

The second animation posted above is the POV angle for the animation in dev update #6. This one has a moving camera, shows plenty of view (imo), and focuses on Marnie's face/upper half.

My current plan is to finish all the animations for this version by the end of next week. I need to finish them fast because I need to send them to my sound guy to get sound ASAP. That way I have basically 2 1/2 weeks to code the game, which is more than enough for me. If I keep on this track, I can get this next version released at the end of this month. I don't foresee any issues with that. The Lorraine animations may take me a little longer because I haven't done those kinds of animations before but I'm confident I can do it fairly quickly. I just need to do some extra rigging on her character model.

Again, I'll have that rendered animation from dev update #6 posted this week, most likely Friday or Saturday.

I hope you all had a great Halloween and thank you guys as always for being true supporters. Just a little more time before we get v0.1.5 released and we grow to be an even bigger community. Stay tuned for more development posts.

See you in the next update.




Nice I love it 🥰

Mr Stranger

Seeing your update makes me wanna time travel to the day you release the update