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Y'all know I can animate.

Playback is slow because good lord once you start using any kind of crazy physics in Blender it starts to play the animation back very SLOW! I didn't show dev previews (clay mode like above) for most of the v0.1 animations because they were at like 1 FPS on playback, especially the Marnie Missionary one. They are obviously at regular speed after rendering, it's just for the clay playback it can sometimes be slow, even on a strong pc. I turn off anything that may slow me down like hair, eyelashes, etc so I have more speed but it only helps a certain bit. None of this bothers me - my pc is strong so it's just what you have to live with, I just wish it was better so I can show faster playback animations for you guys.

Anyway, here's an early WIP of one of the new sex animations with Marnie. This animation was actually commissioned by a higher-tier member. He requested that I put it in the game, so it'll be another position during the new sex scene with Marnie (this will also have a POV camera angle too). I like having his hands behind his back so that you can see better. In the Monoa doggy animation in v0.1, I purposely put his arm behind his back so it didn't block the camera and you can get a nice view.

A ton of people in general have been asking for more POV camera angles so I'll do my best to make that happen. I've also gotten requests to add a doggy-style animation with Marnie, so that'll be in v0.1.5 as well. Although, I was planning on doing that anyway.

I figured I'd chill out early on showing more renders so I don't spoil the whole version, and get started on showing animations. Everyone gets access to the preview animations, rendered and non-rendered (like above). However, only Tier 2's and above get access to the finished animation with sound, which will be available for download in the post.

Next week I should have this animation rendered and ready to go for sound, so in the dev update next week you'll see what this looks like rendered and at the correct speed. I got in contact with my sound guy again and he said he's ready and able to do more sound for me (for the animations). I hope to have all the animations with sound before the end of next month so I can release v0.1.5.

I'll try and show clay previews of all the animations I work on if I can. Some will be posted here and some will be posted in the #dev-wips channel in Discord (accessed by Tier 2's and above). Other than that, I'll be posting the fully rendered animations only - if for some reason the playback continues to be this bad that is. I have a bit more work to do on this animation btw so it may look different than what you see now - just need to do some fine-tuning to make everything smooth.

That's all I have for this update. Still on track to get this version released next month, however, if any delays happen I'll let you guys know. Any release delay would be like a week though so nothing major.

Thank you guys for your continued support. I'm a hard worker and I work hard for the people who support me, so as always, you can expect me at my best all the time.




Yes looks good I like it all we need is a creampie


cant u bake the giggle to speed the playback up?