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Hey everyone, welcome to part 9 of the my 3D Pokemon RPG in unity course. In this video, we'll add trees and grasses to our level using the terrain tools.

I hope you like the video :)

Next video - https://www.patreon.com/posts/71833331


Lecture 9 - Adding Trees and Grasses.mp4


Mysterix Yellow

What a great tutorials! Thank you :). Do you also use a trello board for the 3d series, so we can see which topics are going to come in which order?

Nicolás Del Real

Hello! First of all congratulations for the tutorials. They have helped me alot. I am eager to continue with the 3d. Why so slow? next video?


Hey, sorry for the delay in the 3d series. I was a bit busy with work last month, but it's back to normal now. I'll be posting a new video on Sunday.