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Attached below are the complete project files for my Pokemon Tutorial Series in Unity. You can Download the MonsterTrainerRPG - Main file attached below, unzip it, and open it in unity. Once the project is opened in unity, open the Gameplay scene from the scenes folder and run it to play the game.

It contains the source code of all the features covered on youtube and some advanced features that are not covered on youtube.

List of advanced features (not covered on youtube)

  • Double Battles

  • Multi-Hit Moves

  • Abilities System

  • Weather Conditions (Sandstorm, Harsh Sunlight, Rain)

List of features covered on youtube.

  • Pokemon Storage [New]

  • Summary Screen [New]

  • State Stack Architecture Refactor

  • Cutscene System

  • Water Battles

  • Surfing

  • Cutting Trees

  • Weighted Random Encounters

  • Ledge Jump

  • Audio System

  • Shops

  • Dialogue Choices

  • Healing Pokemon

  • Evolution

  • Saving Quests

  • Quest System

  • Story Items

  • Pickups & NPCs Giving Items

  • TM & HM Items

  • Using Pokeball Items

  • Using Items

  • Items/Inventory Setup

  • Opening Party Screen from Menu

  • Menu

  • Saving and Loading

  • Scene Switching

  • Learning New Moves

  • Experience / Level Up System

  • Run Mechanic

  • Catching Pokemons

  • Trainer Battles

  • Trainer Characters

  • Walking NPCs

  • Custom Character Animation System

  • NPCs & Dialogues

  • Move Priorities

  • Improved Battle Architecture

  • Accuracy/Evasion

  • Secondary Effects of Moves

  • Stat-Boosting Moves

  • Status Condition (Brn, Slp, Psn, Par, Frz, Confusion)

  • Switching Monsters in Battle

  • Party System

  • Random Encounters with wild monsters

  • Turn-Based Battle System

  • Grid-Based Movement

How to Access the Advanced Features

The default branch only contains the features covered on youtube. To access the advanced features, you can download the zip file named MonsterTrainerRPG - Advanced Features.

If your familiar with git, you can also checkout the advanced-feature branch to access it.

Note:  Assets with copyright (like pokemon images) are replaced with copyright-free ones.

Art Credits
These are the free art assets I used.
Guardian Monsters Artwork by Georg Eckert / limbusdev - https://limbusdev.github.io/guardian_monsters_artwork/
Zelda like tilesets and sprites - https://opengameart.org/content/zelda-like-tilesets-and-sprites




Hello Dev, could you export this project into unitypackage?when i open this project in unity ,i get many errors,for example when i opened the main menu,no options shows up in ui,when i entered battle scene, dialogue window covered my move selection window,please export this project into unitypackage


It would be nice if you do a tutorial on how to export the advanced branch to the main branch, as I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to follow the patreon tutorials finds that the variables fail, this is because we changed names and architecture many times, so the solution is there, but you have made it too difficult for the average follower.


It should work if you open the project directly in Unity. To test the game are you running the gameplay scene?


Hey, once I'm done with the state stack architecture change, I'll merge the advanced branch with the main branch.


Hello! First of all, thank you for all of this work to make these tutorials so amazing! I love them so much! :) Just have a quick question, though. When will the advanced branch be merged with the main branch? No need for the exact date or anything, a rough estimate will do. :D

Jeroen Coessens

Hey! I'm not super familiar with Patreon but where can I find the repository for the project? The linked .zips seem quite old! Anyways keep up the good work! :)


Hey, the project files are updated up to part 100 in the series. I haven't included the rest since the statestack architecture refactor is still not complete and there will be bugs in the project. I'll post the everything once I complete covering the statestack refactor on youtube.

Abdellatif Qassid

Hello, please i want the complete project, any link ??


Hello! I'm glad this whole StateStack update arc is finally over. These were a very long 10 months. :) However, I've noticed a few quite troublesome problems that came with the new StateStack update. Particularly, after starting a new game, when I open any menu, it's just empty. If I talk with NPC, I get an empty dialogue box. When I enter the battle without interacting with NPC or opening any menu, the game freezes. And so on. Except for that freeze, everything else happens only once. It's still something that shouldn't happen, though.


That's weird! I can't seem to recreate those issues. I've posted the project files with state stack architecture you can compare it with yours and try debugging to find out what's going wrong.


Can you tell how up to date the scripts from the main files are? I downloaded them and are getting some errors and issues.


I've posted everything up to the last video. What errors are you getting? Did you download the MonsterTrainerRPG - Main.zip file and played the Gameplay scene?

Michael Tjin

Hello Dev! Thank You for tutorial.. this is my dream to create a 2d game xd.. Now, i'm at episode 12, but i have a problem.. when i press "play" (on episode 12), i only see a blue layer (this blue layer, was the same with the background color of my main camera, so if i change my main camera background color to black, then it will show a black layer in "game" too when i press "play") in "game", but it's normal in "scene".. here's the picture: https://postimg.cc/nsDNhG3T

Michael Tjin

omg.. i know my mistake.. xd.. im search it for 3 days.. Z camera position must be -10, i made it to 0 last time.. lol

Josh Darren

Hi GDE, how far along is the Main.zip now in comparison to the tutorial videos? Thanks for all the hard work, one of the best tutorial series I've followed.


Hi Josh, every feature except the summary screen is there in the Main branch of the Project Files. I'll add the Summary Screen to it soon.

Charles Fasano

Will there be any more tutorial videos or are you done with this series?

Charles Fasano

Also as a suggestion, you should have the project files set up for each lesson so it's easier to learn rather than have everything done. It's very difficult for me to see what your are typing in each lesson due to my cataracts. Having the project files setup based on each lesson would make things a lot easier for me to understand.


I've shared the script files of all the lesson in this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/script-files-for-38708232 For the complete project files, I've used git to make commits when I complete a feature. But I don't commit for every video, I only commit once an entire feature is complete. You can use git and checkout different commits to see the implementation of most features.

Du Wei Ng

Hi, the game works fine until I get into a wild encounter and then this shows up: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GDE.GenericSelectionUI.SelectionUI`1[T].HandleUpdate () (at Assets/Scripts/Util/GenericSelectionUI/SelectionUI.cs:56) How do I fix this?


Absolutely love this series, just commenting to show appreciation for your work!


Hello i am having issues with the first video when i try to attach the script to the player i het this Cant add script compponent "PlayerController" because the script classs cannot be found. Make sure that there are no compile errors and that the file name and class name match i believe i made everything like In the video Thank you in advance /// I found the issue the code in the video wasn't the same as provided here


Don't use the script from this post. This is the completed script and there are lots changes made to the PlayerController script in the later videos. Instead download the scripts from my patreon post "script files for each part" and paste the code for part 1. Here is the link to the script files post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38708232


Thanks i did it but the issue was there was 2 lines of code that were from vid 2 i downloaded it from the file provided by you. As well where can i find the discord channel


Thank you!


Switching! Thank you, can't wait for the tut.:)


Thanks for picking up the suggestion!

Vincent Veak

Does this mean that the advanced features will not be covered on YouTube then?


Yeah, they won't be covered on youtube anytime soon. On youtube, I want to cover all the core features before moving on to the advanced ones. But since some Patrons have requested these advanced features, I thought I'll post the project files here. I'll also post a video explaining the implementation of the feature, but it won't be a complete step-by-step tutorial since advanced features will too long if covered like that. Let give this a try, and I'll make adjustments based on the feedback from you all.

Ebrahim Elbagory

I would suggest adding under all your videos a section for patreon that lets people know the advanced features they could receive on petreon to promote this more!


I've committed Switching Scenes, Saving System, and Items next. I'll prioritize evolutions right after that!

Connor C

Is this still updated? It says it wasn't updated since last year? That's why I'm a patron to get the current build...


Yeah, it's updated up to part 43. The last updated date is 27/3/2021, I wrote 2020 by mistake. Thanks for pointing it out. Parts 44 and 45 will be posted in the next two days.

Connor C

Thanks, I'm glad to hear that, your tutorials are amazing.


part 64 aint on here ah comeoneman


When I open the Project, scenes doesn't load, how can U help me to fix that?


Will you every do mega evolutions, horde battles, and a way to for people on your patron be able to make their own version of Pokemmo/2d legend of arcues project in unity? Just curious.


Thanks a lot for the support. I'll look into mega evolutions and horde battles in the future. I'm planning to complete the core features first and then move on to good to have features. Btw there is a tutorial for mega evolutions in the discord server, check the pinned messages in the tutorial and articles section. If you want to collaborate on a project with other patrons, you can ask in the collaborations section of the discord server.

Justin Wahlquist

I may be the only one asking for this, but could you make a quick guide on accessing the advanced features using git? My experience with git is limited to registering on github.com... :'D (supposed to be a sweatdrop emoji)


Me gustan mucho tus tutoriales, gracias a grandes personas como tu, podemos los amantes de los videojuegos aprender a desarrollarlos mucho mejor. Sigue así. Un saludo desde México.


Hi Game Dev Experiments, I have a problem :) ... I'm starting the tutorials but from the first script ( Player Controller ) when I add it to the player and press play, the player doesn't move :( and the script tells me that it doesn't have no problem, can you help me? PS: I use Mac for unity.

Misael Marçal

I have a problem with the pokemon file, the master file in the battles doesn't load the background, so the camera background color I've done everything but it doesn't load can you help me?

Davy Van Overberghe

Where can i doanload the sprites for the pokemon tiles you add on the first video in the pokemon 2D tut ? i found the zelda ones but not the second sheet you added ? thanks by the way and keep up the good work !!


You can find it here https://github.com/GameDevExperiments/Pokemon-Tutorial-Art-Assets In the Art/gfx folder you can find tileset.png

one big meme

when i download the project and open it i just have a lot of errors popping and i didnt even change anything i just open and all the errors are just there


Hey, what are the errors? Can you post them on the discord server for patrons? Btw you're running the Gameplay scene right?

one big meme

Yes, I'm running the gameplay scene and where can i join the discord? I dont see any links here


In Patreon, you just have to connect your discord and it will automatically add you to the server. Anyway, I'll also generate a link and DM you.


Where can I download the latest "MonsterTrainerRPG - Advanced Features.zip" with the extensions of the latest scripts (e.g. "Scripts Part 97")? thanks by the way and keep up the good work !!


The advanced features branch doesn't have the latest scripts since both the advanced and main branch has changes in the battle system. You can try and merge and keep the changes that you want.

Sala12de Zr

Hello Dev, could you help me?, when I download the project and load it in unity I get many errors, how can I make the files work?, I have not moved and I have not altered the files

David Chalmers

Hello, when i load the MonsterTrainerRPG Main the scene view are empty why?


Hi David, Unity won't open any scene by default. You have to open the gameplay scene from the scene folder.