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Happy Friday everyone! You might remember a few months ago we put out a survey for our  subscribers asking you what you like most about the WrestleTalk/PFK Patreon. Well, one of the main things you told us it that you want more Patreon-exclusive content - including special episodes of our YouTube series that only Patreon subscribers can see.

With that in mind, we have a new (much shorter) survey where we're asking which of our shows are your priorities when it comes to getting exclusive episodes on Patreon. It would be really helpful if you have a spare 3 minutes to go and complete the survey - it's at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TBYTSVW

A couple of other bits of news about exclusive content, while we're at it: based on what you told us about the shows you enjoy, we've decided to stop making our Behind The Scenes and Mailbag podcasts from December onwards, to make room for newer, more exciting videos - including a very cool Christmas treat next week!

Stay tuned for more exciting announcements about new exclusive content in the days and weeks to come - but in the meantime, that link again for our survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TBYTSVW. Please do let us know what you want to see here on the WrestleTalk and PFK Patreon!


Brody Allsep

Another thought I had while rewatching Worst Match Ever again: in my searching to find which match(es) had the Divas teams all in a dosido or whatever you want to call the arm in arm spin dance thing they did, for such matches with lesser quality women's wrestling, maybe you could bring in a female voice to get their perspective on the subject.

Gareth Jones

This is very delayed But what about a 3 count review after ppvs I’m dying to come back to this months 3 count after the rumble!