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On this month's show it's Luke, Andy, Social Media Abbie and Dan Layton!




Where does everyone stand on Tool?


Best Halloween movie and tv shows? From the recent years I think Mike Flanagan has done some great work (and is coming with a New Netflix series in october) I have kickstarted «hallloween season» with a rewatch of The Haunting Of Hill House. What a show.


Has this already been one of the best years for movie releases (especially horror)? Which left to be released are you most looking forward to?

jonathan Melhuish

Most underrated tv show of the last 5-10 years

Noah Fortner

Fuck marry kill Crypto Bro, Gym Bro, Film Bro


Which period of history would you like to live in or find the most interesting to visit?


Alrite all, hope u are all well, was wondering what is the best birthday party you have ever had? Take care ad Jam that Jam!!


Thoughts on Nope, Pearl and Barbarian. It’s been a good horror year with pics for every taste. Oh and black phone

The Jankyard

Luke, what is the one Marvel character that hasn't gotten their own show/movie that you would like to see featured and why is it Brother Voodoo?

James Knepper

What’s everyone being for Halloween? And if not dressing up what traditions are you guys possibly looking forward to? Have a great day guys!

Alex kirkman (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-28 20:19:14 Best taskmaster contestant & why is it Judy Love? Worst taskmaster contestant & why is it Iain Stirling?
2022-09-20 17:24:33 Best taskmaster contestant & why is it Judy Love? Worst taskmaster contestant & why is it Iain Stirling?

Best taskmaster contestant & why is it Judy Love? Worst taskmaster contestant & why is it Iain Stirling?

Brian Lewis

Anyone going to see Springsteen on next year's tour?