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In which Luke tries to recover from his very bad no good first week in charge of Raw, and Pete cannot row grivalries.


EARLY ACCESS: Monday Night War s02e02

All the swearing was edited this time. You're welcome.


Michael Taylor

Can’t wait for this! Truly the highlight of Monday wrestling available to the discerning fan

Alun S

Highlight of the end of my working day, or would be if it wasn't a bank holiday. Thanks for the layout update looks cleaner, all the information is easily visible.


Best part of being a patron.

Dr. Judge, Private Eye

With a mission like "DO NOT BOOK Shinsuke Nakamura," are we sure Vince McMahon didn't secretly take over the commissioner's chair for Pete's Smackdown?


I’m waiting for Luke to realize he still hasn’t booked tag titles. He really is following true WWE logic.

James Murtagh

Try and HEEL up as much as you want Propah Pete, you'll always be my Blue Brand Superman.


Monday is really the best day of the week for this.


Pete, why won't your grivalries row?!? Why are you soooooooo bad at booking? Push Tucker!

Crono Time

wow now both have gone over, so that just kinda cancels out?

Nick Smith

Call it a double warning, and next person to go over time has to release someone.