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Hey guys,

Adam here. Just had a message from Denise asking to delay the mailbag recording until next week, owing to unforeseen extra work obligations she has elsewhere. Sorry about that, folks! But thanks for sending in your Qs



Sean Dunne

You guys work too hard, enjoy a break 😀

Joseph Crisante

Will Adam still be on the mailbag next week? My question is directed towards him.

Daniel McAvoy

It is fine adam we totally understand. Denise is busy too plus you are couple men down with Oli on holiday and Luke taking care of his new born. Pete, Tempest, Laurie, Adam have been kicking butt all week with content. Great job as always. Sorry about Nxt 2.0 and Smackdown being stinky but you had so much fun with AEW though. it was great to see! God Bless you always, Daniel McAvoy