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PETE: Hello Pledgehammers!

For the first time since the Patreon shakeup, it's time to vote on what new piece of WrestleTalk merch you want designed on a t-shirt! These suggestions came from our lovely $25+ backers, so remember as always to be respectful of the suggestions and be nice in the comments.

**Try to vote for something you think you'd actually buy, rather than something that just sounds funny!**

Here are your choices...

Out F*** Everyone (suggested by KhaosRising)

Adam Blamplate & Doc Davis (suggested by Juan Gabriel)

Blamplate & Spluke (suggested by Josh Razauskas)

"This Company..." (suggested by Jonathan Hedman)

Cartoon Doc Davis (suggested by Dustin Layton)

Jam That Jam From Outta Nowhere (suggested by Philip O'Reilly)

Smooth Mr. Davis (suggested by Riley Finlayson)


Andy Burgess

No love for Blamplate....Adam will be delighted


We have been given a once in a lifetime opportunity to embarrass Blampied and Davis in one fell swoop and NONE of you have taken it. This fanbase...


PLEASE, I NEED "This Company..."


What, no "Serious Money " entries?


how bout a f this company shirt

Luke Aaron

Would’ve loved a “hate that” one just for Pete 😂


“This Company” works in so many situations, I’m really hoping that one is a winner...

Cody Rose

I just want the OFE one because I know Davis will hate it

Stephen Webb

So glad “This company” won! I’ll have my first WT shirt now!


Any idea what’s it going look like?????