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PETE: Hello you lovely Pledgehammers!

As the Super Content Shake-Up has come to a close on YouTube, it’s time to shake-up the Patreon a little too.

But don’t worry! All the changes we’re going to be making are actually nice improvements to each tier. All these changes will come into effect on March 22nd, the day after Fastlane. So what will be changing?

WrestleLeague ($5 TIER)
We think WrestleLeague is fantastic, and a really nice way to have a little competition with all of you Pledgehammers. But winning an entire WrestleLeague season and just winning the Trophy Emoji Trophy feels a little underwhelming, right? So as of Season 9, which is this current season, if you manage to finish top of the leaderboard at the end of a season, you will instead win a £100 Gift Voucher to wrestleshop.com! We think this a much more apt prize for besting hundreds of others in predictions warfare.

Name In Credits Of News Videos ($10 TIER)
While it’s very nice to see the Pledgehammers scrolling at the end of each News episode, it feels like sometimes we’re not acknowledging you enough. So starting with the review of Fastlane on Monday 22nd, the end card will also include a “Thank You To Our Patreon Backers” text that will make it more overtly obvious that the names scrolling are people who support us. We should be championing our supporters more!

T-Shirts ($25 & $50)
The system we have in place currently with designing a new Pledgehammer t-shirt design every 3-4 months with our $50 backers getting the t-shirt for no extra cost is fine, but we think we’ve come up with something better. Every 3-4 months, we’ll instead ask our $25+ backers: what t-shirt design do you want to see? A new Jam That Jam one? A generic WrestleTalk one? Or maybe some recent meme you want to see turned into a shirt?
All your suggestions will then get collated into a poll which everyone from our $5 backers up can vote on. The winner of the poll gets designed! And that’s not all, because once the t-shirt is designed, our $50 backers get early access to the t-shirt, for no extra cost, and it will come with a little Pledgehammer print on it, so you know you’re one of the exclusive awesome people. That t-shirt, without the Pledgehammer print on it, will then go up on wrestleshop.com for public sale!

Video Calls With Us ($100)
And finally, a change exclusive for our top tier of $100. Instead of recording a personal shoutout video that we send to you, we’ve decided that our $100 backers should instead get a short video call with a couple of us from WrestleTalk each month you pledge at this tier! That way you can chat to us directly and ask us any burning questions you may have. Or we can just chat absolute nonsense like we normally do. If for whatever reason our schedules don’t line up and we can’t fit in a video call, then we can send you a personal video as we currently do.

And that’s it! Nothing too scary, right? We just wanted to tweak and change a couple of things on this Patreon page that would be better for you guys. Let us know what you think, please do leave a comment on this post or DM us here on Patreon if you have any feedback or thoughts! We hope you’ll enjoy these changes, and everything else we usually provide such as WrestleTalk Extra and WrestleTalk After Dark will be staying exactly the same.

Thank you so much for your continued support, especially during this last year. We appreciate you all so much!