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Hello Pledge Hammers!

NXT is literally inside all of your homes this weekend, and the only way to make sure you stay safe is by predicting the outcomes of a number of matches. Weird how that works out.

Here is the form for NXT TakeOver: In Your House Predictions. 

As you can see, currently a the top of the leaderboard we have a 4-way tie, with  Andy T Reed, Melissa, Piff Jamez, and Rene Alejandro Rangel all on 15 points.

To prove just how little we know about wrestling compared to our fans, here is the WrestleTalk Office Leaderboard.

Luke - 11
Adam - 11
Louis - 11
Laurie - 10
Pete - 10
Randy - 9
Oli - 9

Embarrassing, I know.

Anyway, the form will close at the start of the main show on Sunday, so please make sure you get your predictions in before that!

If you have any questions regarding the predictions, or if you just want to tell me how handsome I am, then drop me an email on andy@wrestletalk.com

Much love,



Sean Dunne

Greatest Wrestle League Ever 💗

Marcus A Campbell

I have a feeling Ripley or Sharai will win but had to toss a coin to decide who

Alex Storm

Regarding the bonus question “Will Dexter Lumis interfere in the main event?” Say for example, he takes out Strong and Fish sometime before the match actually starts, does that count? Because he’d have actively interfered and done something to ensure that cheating doesn’t happen. I know it’s kind of a reach, but I’m just curious for clarification.

Ryan B Badd

Im going for Io and Dream to win the titles because I think WWE is gonna give us Charlotte vs Asuka for raw title and Cole and UE will move to raw to take on Drew , both probably around sumerslam time .

Andy Buckley

Well, took the plunge and entered the WrestleLeague predictions for the first time. I've done them for a while at home and have been awful! I'll let people scoff at my predictions which are Kross, Shirai, Balor, Cole, Lee (sorry, you can do nothing but bask in his glory! ) and in the six woman tag I've gone for LeRae,Kai & Gonzalez because of LaRae recent new attitude and Kai seems to have Nox's number all the time, although this could be swerve on NXT part. As to interference in the main event, I'd say no as to me it would de-value Cole's title reign and a clean win for Cole would send Dream off with his tail between his legs up to his reportedly "main roster" call up. Well there are my thoughts and probably TOTALLY wrong.

james low

I'm on 13, the best start I've had since doing the predictions lol, should have stopped picking with my heart long ago lmao, it doesn't get you anywhere.

Andy Burgess

The NXT hopefuls chanting 'this is awesome' (clearly instructed) at the start of the women's tag match has made me very angry lol