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Hello Pledge Hammers!

For those of you who aren't aware, there is a wrestling promotion called Impact, and they're having one of their biggest shows of the year this weekend, so we thought we should probably predict it.

I know many of you don't watch it, and to be honest neither do I for the most part, but I know how much you all like clicking multiple choice questions and writing your name, so just have a guess if you don't know.

Here is the form for predictions. 


- There is a deadline of the start of the show for predictions, at which point the form will close.

- Make sure you use the same name as before to ensure your score is added to your current total.

- Beat Pete.

Any issues, drop me a message on Discord or andy@wrestletalk.com.

Happy predicting,




I’ve never watched Impact. This is going to be fun!

The Zornisse

You never watch nxt either. Do you even like wrestling? 😉


Judging by the comments I think I broke the rules by watching the Go home show. It was lovely though. BTW Hi everybody, I’m new.

Alex Storm

"I guessed too. Don't worry" is humorously reassuring, haha.

Ryan B Badd

i just guessed with my picks cause I dont watch impact so I probably went another 0 wins like I did at HIAC


DAMN IT... I forgot to post my selections... and I was sitting in 3rd... boohoo