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Hello Pledge Hammers,

Well Hell in a Cell was certainly a show, and it certainly had a terrible finish that we all need to forget as soon as possible.

However! We must not rest on our laurels, because it's time to see how everyone got on in what was a very bitesize chunk of Wrestle League Season 3.

Quick note, no-one got any points for the Fiend match due to it being thrown out!

Here is the updated leaderboard for Season 3. 

As you will see, we have a single person at the top, and that is the wonderfully named Jushin Thunder Leaguer, so congratulations!

The office leaderboard is as follows:

Laurie - 32
Luke - 29
Randy - 28
Oli - 27
Pete - 25

You can click here to see how everyone else predicted.

Thanks for all taking part, let me know if you have any issues on discord or email me on andy@wrestletalk.com.

The next predictions we do will be for IMPACT Bound for Glory 2019, which is on October 20.

Much Love,




I did terrible for hell in a cell. Thought banks was gonna win, Becky won. Thought bayley was gonna win, Charlotte won. Thought Fiend was gonna win but WWE decided to screw that up also.


Bonus question for HIAC 2020 "will the main event finish in a no contest?" Did the s**t twice in a row, wouldn't put it pass them to do it for the 3rd straight year

Roy Tripp

I always forget to do these... But never would have selected anything other than a fiend win... 🤷‍♂️

JJ Gyllenhaal

Tied with Oli & still beating Pete.

Matthew Kennedy

I thought Oli and Luke bet 2 points on Ali v Shinsuke for the IC Title in the next month not whether Lacey v Natalie happened again?

david perez

I only got one point in the Wrestle League but should less have two because pick the undertaker not showing up and The Fiend to win and The Fiend did win by disqualification my use is PrimalKing

Matthew Kennedy

Sorry to rain on your 2 point parade there Luke but I just went and checked the Sept 24 Wrestle Ramble and just short of an hour in you bet on Ali/Shinsuke. As for no one else saying otherwise I dunno I guess I just question their Wrestletalk fandom