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Hello Pledge Hammers!

Some of you will have heard that we're changing up the Patreon schedule. The main reason we're doing this is because doing RambleClub in the middle of the month feels odd. We end up reviewing matches from the previous month which feel old by that point. If we do it at the end of the month, we can do the "best matches of the month" type show.

This means that WrestleRamble Extra will come in the middle of the month. However we didn't want Pledge Hammers to feel like we were taking away content by moving this. So our upcoming schedule looks like:

This week: Bonus Podcast

Next week: ECW One Night Stand 2005

W/C 25th June: RambleClub #04

W/C 16th July: WrestleRamble Extra July

W/C 30th July: RambleClub #05

In the mean time, enjoy this bonus episode where Oli and I read and talk about the first chapter of Big Apple Takedown.


Luke x


Phil Stopford

Geez, I haven't listened to the last two podcasts yet! #ElFakidorisincharge

Chris Merryman

When will fantasy booking warfare come out?


LUKE: We're recording that next week (we hope). We may push it back to the following week in case we get too into reviewing ONS.


When is the next fantasy booking warfare being done Luke? Love fantasy booking Warfare

Will Haight

I just got caught up on everything, and now a bonus podcast?! What a day to be a pledgehammer 🎉

Brian Fogarty

Projected date to get to the end of BAT September 2027 - lets do it guys.......B A T, B A T, B A T...