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Hello [REDACTED]Nation!

What do you mean you've already seen this post? This is the first time I've posted this video. What do you mean there was a video on here a few hours ago? Must be mistaken, pal. Don't know what you mean.

Alright fine you got me! Yes this is the second time round posting this as I - accidentally - posted the wrong version of the video where I hadn't edited the audio. Many thanks to those who sent me messages quickly so I could delete it as soon as possible. It was an honest mistake on my part, and I'll try and be more careful next time as you've paid for this nonsense!

As I said in the previous post that some of you won't have seen, we may have to change up the Hall of Fame RING video as there are over 400 names in this edition and that number is always going to be growing. We'll update you all next week.

For now, enjoy this (correctly edited) video! Let us know if I got your name wrong below.

Luke x


(No title)


Joe Gibson

It says the video is unavailable.

Joe Gibson

Okay it is working now. Don't know what the issue was.


I didn't get one 😭😭😭 Oh well, there are worse things in life I suppose

Will Haight

I didn’t get a shoutout 😔😔


Thanks Luke.. Long list!


Thanks Luke! Who comes up with so many funny nicknames?


Well done Luke ! You barely took a breath !

Marcel Durer

The D-Man? Okay, I dig it!

Mark Roberts

Round of applause Luke - that was mammoth!


LUKE: Hi Dylan, Thanks for your message. For some reason you're name didn't come out in Patreon's report of backers. I've checked the back-end and you are there, but you somehow didn't reach us! It's odd because you're in the Jan report which suggests you should have made it. We're very sorry!


LUKE: Hi Will, Thanks for your message. For some reason you're name didn't come out in Patreon's report of backers. I've checked the back-end and you are there, but you somehow didn't reach us! I think it was an issue with $10 backers. It's odd because you're in the Jan report which suggests you should have made it. We're very sorry!

DJ Deth

What a trooper! I see why you aren't doing this anymore.