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Good morning [REDACTED]Nation!

We hope you enjoyed the January WrestleRamble Extra (if you've listened to it), and now it's time to vote for February's episode! The month of love is upon us, so let's battle in the squared circle! Here's what our $25+ backers suggested you vote for!

You have ONE WEEK TO VOTE before we close the poll. And for the first time since we launched the WrestleRamble Extra, every poll choice has been suggested by you!

WCW Super Brawl 1993 (suggested by Kevin Chappell)

Ric Flair returns to WCW to take on Davey Boy Smith, The Great Muta defends the NWA World Heavyweight Championship against Barry Windham, and Sting takes on Vader in a strap match!

WWF In Your House 6: Rage in the Cage (suggested by Benn Spiers)

Shawn Michaels takes on Owen Hart to determine a new #1 Contender for the WWF Championship, Bret Hart defends the title against Diesel and Hunter Hearst Helmsley battles against DUKE THE DUMPSTER DROSEY.

ECW Cyber Slam 1996 (suggested by Rob Pontin)

The day before WWF In Your House 6, ECW held Cyber Slam 1996, and featured Brian Pillman's first PPV appearance since leaving WCW. We've also got Shane Douglas vs. Cactus Jack and Raven defending the ECW Championship against The Sandman.

WWF St. Valentines Day Massacre (suggested by Courtney Summers)

With WrestleMania just around the corner, Royal Rumble winner Steve Austin battles Vince McMahon inside a SALAD STEEL CAGE, and Mankind puts his WWF Championship on the line against The Rock.

WWF No Way Out 2001 (suggested by John McBride)

Steve Austin has won the 2001 Royal Rumble, but must first face off against nemesis Triple H in a three stages of hell match! But who will he face at WrestleMania? As Kurt Angle puts his WWF Championship on the line against The Rock!

WWE No Way Out 2004 (suggested by David MacKenzie)

Usually I would leave spoilers out of these descriptions, but this is the show where Eddie Guerrero finally wins the WWE Championship in a hell of a match against Brock Lesnar. Come on, it's a great feel-good moment we can all enjoy! Elsewhere, we find out who will face Eddie as Kurt Angle faces Big Show and John Cena in a triple threat match.



I don't why enough people aren't voting for No Way Out 2001


I adore No Way Out 2004. Fantastic PPV.

John Mac

No way out 2001!!


I love Luke talking passionately about anything Attitude Era related

Stephen Pellow

St Valentines Day Massacre was the show that brought me back to the WWF after a 2 year hiatus.

Rob Pontin

Agree about old school that's why i said cyber slam also it's a original ECW show around the time they had some of there best wrestlers including Brian Pillman

Jam that James

I'm late to the game here, but has anyone ever suggested the 2001 King of the Ring that had Kurt Angle vs. Shane McMahon? This was the match were Shane was suplexed through the glass wall.