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Howdy Oli Nation!

Sorry, just trying something out there. I won't say 'Oli Nation' anymore.

Here's the WrestleTalk Hall of Fame induction ceremony video for all you wonderful people who've donated in May 2017. I found the worst possible snapshot I could find of myself for the thumbnail. I hope you appreciate it.

You'll probably notice these are getting longer and longer. Which is good! That means more people are donating to WrestleTalk. But also a tad unsustainable. That, coupled with Wrestling Histories recently coming to an end for our $5/month donators, means I've had to revamp the reward tiers. I'll post a separate message about that shortly.

But in the meantime, thank you all so much for your continued support and for being a part of this fantastic movement we call the Oli Nati-

Sorry, sorry. 

I got carried away again.

Peace out.



WrestleTalk Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony - May 2017 (Patreon)

It's the WrestleTalk Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony for May 2017, where Oli inducts all those who have donated to WrestleTalk's Patreon page, complete with their own wrestling nickname. Support WrestleTalk on Patreon here! http://goo.gl/2yuJpo Subscribe to WrestleTalk for daily WWE and wrestling news!



Wild Wesley Landon! I'll accept that! Thanks, Oli!


Thanks Oli! The name is pronounced like Bowl + Bee. It always gets mispronounced, but I think you're the first Brittish person I've heard say my last name, and it's orgins are from Brittain. LOL. Anyway, no big deal. :)


Yoyoyo....Mr No Nickname needed in da house!!!


OLI: I've made a note for next time. Curse my insufficient knowledge of British-origin surname pronunciation.


Also, do you write all these nicknames down? Or do you have an amazing memory? haha


OLI: A mixture of my amazing memory...and a massive Google Doc spreadsheet.


Ahhhh very clever indeed......lets just hope your memory doesnt get BROKEN


Jerry the super hero aye? Curse you Oli for coming up with a better nickname. Real tho, I love the HoF speech. Thank you!


Monkke, The Representative of Moonsquads. Would that be a good nickname?

Psycho CB Koopa

Thank you for the shout out! I'm okay by the way! My humor in dark things are just plain awful. Switched the name so as to not alarm you any further.


Thank you once again for the shout out Oli. Just remember Urbaniak is pronounced Urbaneak. I dont want to have to come over the big pond. Just to break you in half! WrestleTalk Rocks...WrestleTalk Rocks...WrestleTalk Rocks


Oli how do I meet you at smackdown?


OLI: Hi Conor - unfortunately I'm not at Smackdown tonight. I was only at Raw yesterday. Have a great time, though!


Ah thank you was looking for you yesterday but was unlucky have a great day aswell!


OLI: I've written down the correct pronunciation out of fear for my life. Just to double check, is it 'urban-eek'?


OLI: Glad to hear you're OK! I've changed it to Super Nerdy-Sama for next month's.


Let me tell you somethin, Brother! Im NOT through with You yet. I guess if this helps...Er ban e ack = Urbaniak. Or we can switch promotions. Go with a new name. Bradley Alan? Kind of like I went over to WWE. After my short, but GLORIOUS stint in ROH.