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Since you’re all SO FRIGGIN AWESOME, I’ve been trying to think of ways to add even more value to your patronage. And I thought of something fun that I can do even when I’m at my grandmother’s! The idea is pretty simple: you can ask me questions (any questions, no restrictions) and I will record my answers to them one at a time. That way each audio answer will be brief (hahaha have you heard me answer questions hahahaha hilaaaaaarious) and I can post my answers one by one. 

You can send me your questions any time! There’s no limit to how many questions you can ask. And truly, ask me ANYTHING! It can be about recording audios, real life stuff, relationship or life advice, sex stuff, whatever you’ve always wanted to know about me! I’ll choose the questions I think will be the most interesting or fun for everyone to hear. 

As of right now, I’m thinking I’ll keep most of the sex related answers (anything I feel is really personal) to the ‘Sassy Originals’ tier, and everything else will be posted for all patrons to hear. That’s a bit of a vague line to draw in the sand for me, but I’ll just do what feels right. 

I should be able to record answers on a regular basis (even if I’m whispering cause my grandmother is sleeping!) - so this should help there be a steady flow of mini audios being posted throughout the month (in addition to the regular sexy stuff of course)!

Send questions via my Patreon DMs, or if you’d rather ask anonymously, I’ve set up an Ask.fm account for that! 


Will I answer one of your questions this month?! Can’t wait to find out!


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