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Like the header implies! Pretty sure I've worked out the last few major glitches. Just like always, just save the folder over the old one to update the game.

Pretty short list this time:
- Found & corrected the math that was causing a rare (1%) chance of game freeze on the opponent's dealer turn. Turns out it wasn't a glitch, just a slight overlook on my part. Doh!
- Fixed a gallery error that was causing certain entries to appear locked, even tho they were unlocked.
- Further balancing the opponent randomizer.

A quick update this time! As always, thanks for the support and glitch reports. In fact, please do NOT hesitate to comment with glitches! I very much want the game to be tight and tidy. 

As I mentioned on another post, the next major update is scheduled for late January or early February, and the plan is to add more new characters (likely some from the Cape... but who? A poll seems in order...🤔), and more new outfits and victory portraits for all the characters.

In the meantime I'll be fixing any more glitches that pop up, and posting WIPs and other Cape related art, plus the patron character reward contest, too! Stay tuned and thank you!! 



Also, a little glitch every match I've seem to play always makes the A.I. go first. I dunno if that's a glitch or not.


Weird one! I haven't seen it yet but I will take a look at the code and see if smth is up. Is it Mac or PC?


For me it freezes sometimes when it is the opponent's turn.. Great work nevertheless <3<3<3


I'll take another look at the code! I've gotten almost all the glitches but this still seems to happen sometimes 😭