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DROPBOX: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yt8dv26bz3ne75c8hgirj/Word-of-Honor-EP12.mp4?rlkey=n6jy52x10dbx3ski5j92nuxoi&dl=0



Word of Honor EP12.mp4

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Leah Kim

Another great Ep. finally our ghost chief and his soulmate are finally together!!!!! I was giggling when Zishu called him his soulmate! yas, finally!! let them spend time together! and our girl A'Xiang really like Cao, she just needs to understand him. he's so head over heels for her. But damn, everyone in this drama is just plotting for this dam glazed armour. I really like the history and now we know a bit where these 5 brothers got the armour and how that one guy was killed coz of his ideologies of collecting the World armoury. let's see where this goes. so far, we have, the five lakes alliance, the venomous scorpions, the ghost valley and Prince Jin all fighting for this thing and then we have Wen Kexing who has plans for whatever it is he has plans for.