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The return of everyone's favorite character, bing bong




AWHHH HAHA Gillie doesn't know how overstimulating the audio on the dramas are 😝the close up pensive look on Talita's face is breath taking


Bing bong! I’m surprised the dragon managed to win the grapple with Katya!


i see you, third panel foreshadowing…that zoom out to show more of the planet and the space they’ll end up traveling to, the sun setting on this chapter of their lives…our girls will become less lonely sooner than they think!


The scuttles are getting closer. Soon HE will give them all a heart attack! 😄💫😂 (does Bip use he/him?)

Erika Spooner

I wonder how the Internet works in this case, are transmissions sent through wormholes or is something else used? You think the Bug ferrets basically rule over all the other species because they possess the technology that makes society work?

Jay Eaton

Bip is generally they/gender neutral but they'll wear a gender hat if it makes a joke land better


I love Bing Bong, great guy


I like all the 3d benchies on the entertainment centre.


Bing bong already? XD


I hope to see a side comic that's just a full length episode of bug ferret soap opera.


So, how much does Talita have to fiddle with screens and such to make them look passable to her? Besides color correction probably being impossible, I could see centaurs having a much faster flicker fusion threshold than humans, as their visual system needs to deal with stuff at their sprinting speed. If that's the case, getting human-specced screens to have a high enough refresh rate to not look juddery might be annoying.


WOOO THE DRAGON WON I love these Talita expressions, her soft mouth and her little teeth. So cute


What is on the box on top of the fridge? Also why does she have an electric whisk next to her tv?

Jay Eaton

She has a higher CFFF than a human so some older screen types are irritating to watch (but 60 fps and higher are generally tolerable), and her light detection cells aren't quite the same as a human's so RGB screens sometimes appear to compress the red-yellow spectrum. Sometimes she buys avian screens because the refresh rate is higher but they tend to have weirder colors (RGBU)

Jay Eaton

It's a box of rock climbing powder (Magnesium carbonate) that she uses as a cheap dietary suppliment. The coiled thing is a kind of antenna


That Talita "it gets lonely out here" shot is SO GOOOOOOD I wanna eat itttt