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Hiiii I'm baaaack. It's been way too long.

People who come to my streams may find the garbled closed captions strangely familiar. CC isn't always reliable. 




I hope camping was fun and you had a great Birthday! How do the temp's jobs work on Dirt Ball? Are they there for short contracts and quick pay or is it more of a learning on the job, similar to a work study kinda deal?

Erika Spooner

Do you think there was ever conflict as a result of paranoia that centaurs might go feral and hurt someone? Like a ship that was abandoned after the half human half centaur crew turned on each other?


I find it kind of funny that the temps are so...freaked out about Talita, but we literally have a GMH wrestling match with two women who have been modified to have big predator traits. Which - Do GMHs get this sort of prejudice, out of curiosity? Or is it more that centaurs are pretty unknown?


Four more to Bip! Exciting!!

Jay Eaton

Most humans are familiar with uncanny GMH and understand that despite their bodies they are cognitively and culturally human, though weirder bodytypes can experience a similar kind of prejudice to Talita here (especially in areas where GMH are an extreme minority). Most humans have never met a centaur. Natural centaur expressions are hard for humans to read; and a mixture of truth and rumors circulate about their innate carnivory, resentment of alien presence, and infanticidal cultural practices. The average human's understanding of them doesn't extend past "giant smart predators from a low-tech planet."

Jay Eaton

Centaurs are an extreme minority in space due to the difficulty of accommodating huge predators with unique biochemical needs. (The latter makes co-species habitation tricky for all aliens). The vast majority of conflict that has happened between centaurs and aliens has happened on the centaur homeplanet. Those conflicts are mostly over political tension caused by the introduction of alien technology and embassies, though centaurs reacting violently to anything, even violence started by occupying parties, tends to get labelled by bad-faith actors as stemming from an "innate savagery" of centaurs.

Jay Eaton

Shikaviil low-key sucks to live on, so most employees work there for an agreed-upon span of time (anywhere from a few months to a couple years) after which they're released and new contract workers replace them. People have various reasons for taking contract work in the middle of nowhere. Some of them are students doing it as a summer job, some of them have difficultly finding more convenient work, some of them are anti-social and like the distance.