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Taking a break from editing book chapters to draw lesbian fluff comics. Someone on tumblr asked how Talita blows on soup with her respiratory setup. The trunk is a multiuse organ.

The silk cheese knots are made from the nutritional silk of those duck-goat livestock that I need to finish drawing sometime. Shyam is having something vaguely similar, paneer cheese (in curry with roti). They're at an outdoors mixed-species marketplace in Naya Pradesh.

Also bonus kissie for Patreon




Talita looks so pretty in her outfit 😭💖


So wholesome, it's summer with a sundress, picnic and a date!


talita looks so pretty…i like her shoes :)


Posts that make you crave roti... Love talita's cute summery outfit!


Aaa that soup looks good too bad it would either kill or make me extremely sick bluh


The soft colors and summery vibes in this are lovely~ And that soup looks so good! This might be a weird question, but would said soup smell enticing to a human? I know it's been mentioned before that humans can't eat alien food. But there was that post where Talita says human food tastes bland/terrible to her, but also says she finds pretty desserts appealing and wishes she could taste them. So would a human be similarly interested in the alien silk cheese soup?

Jay Eaton

Unfortunately alien food smells about as appealing as it tastes. You might be able to discern sugar, acidity, and maybe fat content in it but otherwise it's a random assortment of aromatic chemicals. The presence of so many organic compounds but the "wrong" ones means it can sometimes even smell like ammonia or spoiled food. Talita is used to the smell of human food but Shyam's probably gonna have to take some time to get used to centaur cooking.




look at her lovely sundress and sandals!!!


Talita looks so freaking gorgeous in that dress! Also, I’m a Californian in the middle of summer and yet you’ve managed to make me want hot soup, which is quite a feat. With her able to discuss food with other centaurs, does Talita ever finally find out what the deep fried dumplings filled with chewy chopped fat were called?

David Helmer

Are those centaurs in the background? Also, could Talita suck soup into her trunk and squirt it into her mouth like an elephant?

Jay Eaton

Maybe she will eventually! There's a lot of centaur food available on Naya Pradesh and Talita is very happy to try all of it.

Jay Eaton

Yes, they are. She could. She can form a good enough seal with the lips of her mouth that she doesn't need to, though.

David Helmer

This must be that Indian planet you mentioned with a large centaur expat community. That looks like Devanagari in the background on the sign. I just found the image of her sucking up the soup with her trunk amusing.


their date is ridiculously cute and I'm so happy for Talita that she gets something fancy and tasty