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Figuring out the actual scale of things in the junkyard so I can start drawing finished pages for the first few pages of the book! Which is coming soonish-- hoping to start by the end of July? The first third of those book pages will be posted here as they are finished.

The habitat, Shikaviil Port, is one kilometer in diameter. The launch loop is about 2700km long. The upper rail is mostly invisible from the ground besides its landing lights, and it appears to dive down over the horizon. It's big.




Is this feasible, mathematically speaking? If so, how did you calculate it?


i bet it would look really pretty, dimly lit by the dark sky and showing the utter gargantuan size of it looming in the distance

Jay Eaton

Had help from aerospace friends for the numbers. The skyhook is based on this paper: ( http://www.niac.usra.edu/files/studies/final_report/355Bogar.pdf ) and the launch loop is based on this paper: ( http://slides.launchloop.com//launchloop.pdf )


Are the radio domes for general connectivity or do they have a specific purpose? In other words do they house cell towers or something like airport type landing beacons? Or both?

Jay Eaton

They are reference points for the skyhook to accurately land and grab loads. There are even more further down the loop.