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Couldn't resist trying to add sound to this one, because I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to do for it. There are three sounds happening here: Her hand hitting the metal wall, Talita speaking the dialog line with her trunk/headlungs, and the threat rumble she's making with her side nostrils. The latter is actually a tiger chuff that's been pitched down, if you were curious. I'm still not a great audio editor but I'm having fun at least. There are also slightly more and better frames now.

Trying out youtube as a video host is weird, because I mostly use it as a consumer and it feels like I've wandered into an employees only area of the store.





sounds kind of like an anime dub yandere I love it


I love it!! Audio mixing is hard, it's something you can only get better at by doing, and you're definitely getting better!


Talita sounds much more nasal-y and buzzy here than in the gaskets video. I’m assuming this is closer to what she’s meant to sound like in general, even accounting for how she’s angry and yelling here? I will now leave, as instructed by the frightening alien space horse.


Aaaaaa this is so cool!!!

Jay Eaton

Yelling actually makes her more buzzy and nasal. She has less control over the natural tone of her voice when she's trying to be loud.


I love this, she’s so menacing and also protective

Hal Brook

I don't see a video...


Yaaaay this is great

Jay Eaton

Is the youtube embed not working for you? https://youtu.be/4z-ugJ5cB40


the growl is so cool! No wonder that guy scampered away so fast! His lizard brain probably thought "AHHHH You're about to get eaten! RUNNN!!!"


oh man, i would NOT want to piss talita off - not only is she already of a race of huge and fast hypercarnivores, but she’s also shredded AND the type of character who doesn’t anger easily so when she /does/ get mad you know you’re in Deep Shit. fantastic sound editing by the way - i actually jumped a little!