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Trying to figure out more of Talita's closet. She doesn't have a lot of clothes, all in all, so it's not that big an undertaking. Spacers generally don't have huge wardrobes because there is less material access to premade clothing away from planetary-scale industry, so compared to goundies, spacers tend to have less clothes that are higher quality that they paid more for and repair more often. It's even more extreme in Talita's case, because most of her clothes had to be designed by a seamster instead of just ordered from an autotailer machine with preset patterns.



Kory Bing

omg the argyle sweater


fashion icon


Cute! Though, I'm confused as to why she has a raincoat when she lives in an artificial dome town with no weather?

Shawn McCormick

She looks so cute in the overalls, I love the flank(?) pockets! The coveralls look great as well! Everything is brilliant, actually.

Jay Eaton

Spacers usually own like 1 (one) piece of weatherproof clothing for visiting planets with actual weather systems or venturing out during the scheduled rain cycle that some space habitats have. Well, that or they buy a cheap plastic poncho when they get caught by weather on-planet, but that's a luxury Talita doesn't have.

Dylan Bajda

Is there a reason Talita cannot get clothing from the centaur home planet if her friends were able to ship food from there? Maybe their sense of fashion is just too strange for her...


I love the varied expressions of “vague concern” she seems to be making in all of these illustrations. 😁


Those boots got me thinking, her fingers and toes have something similar to hooves, right? Does she have to visit some kind of farrier when they get overgrown, or can she reach all of them to groom them herself?

Jay Eaton

she can easily reach her four rear limbs with her hands. She normally cares for her hooves by filing them with a large woodworking file, or grinding them using a dremel tool if they're really overgrown. Because she normally wears shoes, they don't get a lot of natural wear and she has to stay on top of shortening them.

Pavel Lishin

What would happen to Talita if she wore a piece of clothing that loosely covered up her ... exhalation ... nostril? Would it actively make it harder to exhale, or would it just make her clothes billow weirdly as the fabric gets moved by her exhalation?

Jay Eaton

Sort of both? Depending on the thickness and tightness of the fabric, it could make exhaling very annoying. Moisture will also build up inside any piece of clothing that covers the hole, kind of like inside a surgical mask or cotton mask.


talita's lil overalls are so flippin cute she looks like she gardens