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My beginning of month Twitch stream will take place at 12pm PST on Sunday, September 5th and run for no longer than 5 hours. That's next Sunday at time of posting.

This is the last round of stream requests before I limit slots to 8 and increase prices to $20! I anticipate getting more requests than usual this time around, so if there's over 8 then I will overflow them into my mid-month stream.

If you are in the Above and Beyond tier, please request now in the comments or DM me. If you can't make it to the stream, don't worry, I will still do any requested artwork and post it here when it's done!

1. You can request almost anything as long as it's a digital sketch I can do in 30 minutes! This includes short design prompts, characters with clear visual references, an animal you like, or questions about one of my original concepts or fan projects. This is what requested art looks like. 
2. All requests are taken at my discretion. If I feel something is inappropriate or overly complex I will reject it or modify the prompt. If you'd like nsfw artwork  please DM me instead of requesting the artwork for Twitch, I can't stream spicy artwork.
3. If the request is about one of my original concepts or fan projects I may do more than a 30 minute sketch for it, depending on time available and my personal interest.
4. For a request, comment on this post or DM me so I can confirm that you pledged in the $10 tier. If your payment has not gone through for the month at the time of the stream, I cannot complete the request.


Simone Spinozzi

❤️ ༼ つ ◕u◕ ༽つ🍀


I'd like to request your interpretation of the Hugag, based on the descriptions in Fearsome Critters and Fearsome Critters of the Lumber Woods


This month I'd like to commission one of your Avians (either a Bright or a Dun is fine as is a flighted or flightless person) dressed as a pre-industrial warrior, like a Knight or Mamluk, not nessessarily that high status. it could be a "common footsoldier" as it where.


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/605252888050270209/879268112548130866/unknown-1.png Thank u for taking my late request Tamerin fursona tyme