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Here's a PDF link to the first 100 pages of Terranaut, since it's officially long enough to make reading the tag on infinite scroll glitchy. Also the WIP cover: 


(No title)



Ahh, thank you! Looking forward to buying this when it gets finished. I'm invested in Chkbrr's situation.

Simone Spinozzi

❤️ yeah i'm waiting to buy this too, you did extremely good research ❤️

Francis Zammit

Sorry but can't find the link

Jay Eaton

It's a box sitting above the post body with "DROPBOX" on it. The formatting of the link embed leaves something to be desired

Francis Zammit

Did not even notice it as I scrolled down rapidly to view the cover. Sorry.

Serithal Esthuanon

ok, i read Airsled and i love how, even though they're not human or have human facial features i can still somehow read the emotions of your characters