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This is the animation equivalent of a speedpaint because I did it in one 5-hour-ish sitting. Everything goes much faster with thick lines.

Talita sometimes tugs on her lower lip while she's thinking.




That's super adorable!


I'd probably do that too if I had a grabby trunk like that


shyam gettin jealous of the trunk

Jay Eaton

A lot of people seem to touch their face while they're thinking, so if you have a limb on your face... Maximum efficiency

Jay Eaton

Perhaps 😏 Personally, I've always found the little tics and stim actions people do without thinking about it pretty endearing.


Does talita have the centaur equivalent to tourettes?

Jay Eaton

I would describe her tics/stimming as being more like anxiety-based compulsions than tourettes-based compulsions? As in, she can easily stop herself from doing them, but that makes the anxiety worse.


darlings you are too cute for WORDS. also I love your use of line. so expressive.