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Talita gets misgendered with neutral pronouns and terms a lot for someone who is definitionally not trans. Bip caught her off guard earlier.




Don't lie, Talita~


Has talita ever met another centaur? Also, by definitionally do you mean she was assigned female at birth? Does that mean that the foster place she was dropped at assigned her female? How did they decide? Did they just choose one, or did they assign her female because she's able to give birth?

Jay Eaton

She's met other centaurs before. It's been awkward and half the time there's a language barrier. Douglas, her first foster parent, is the one who named her Talita and started referring to her as she/her pronouns. A lot of parents in Jovia don't gender their kids until the kid expresses a preference, but Douglas is an immigrant from a Portuguese-speaking Earth culture that doesn't tend to do that. His thought was that she could change her mind later if it didn't suit her.

Dylan Bajda

I have really enjoyed your story and its unbelievably intricate setting. The inclusion of so much diversity is wonderful, and you have dropped lore so neatly that it does not feel at all force-fed. A thorough understand of the characters has been established in a way that feels natural. I would also like to say, I love the centaur designs as they incorporate many creature design stylistic choices that I would use in my own work, they look like a creature I could have drawn and I absolutely love that! On that tangent, how do you feel about people drawing your characters?

Jay Eaton

Wow, what a glowing review! I'm glad you're enjoying my work, I've really been enjoying writing it! I don't mind fanart at all. If you post it publicly on twitter or tumblr and want me to see it, feel free to @ me.


Biiiiip I sense you are *poking* Talita.