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me: Now that I figured out how to animate with layers in CSP I can do the centaur respiratory system and hexapodal run cycle, like I've been planning to for months!

also me: heehoo lesbians




Hehe yey <|:)


Also: big sweater

Jay Eaton

Yeah, I wouldn't be able to do the sweater-stealing girlfriend trope unless Shyam was planning to use it as a blanket....


This is so smooth! I understand Talita's blush lines now! And she jumped so hard the screwdriver flipped


I love that it shows things like how talita's feathers react on their face


Eee so cute! Also what Biological says, love seeing how Talita’s feathers move to express emotion. Do her nictitating membranes close for a second as she startles, or does she just blink and then her pupils get really small before dilating again?

Jay Eaton

Here's those blink frames for you: https://i.gyazo.com/9830d66e85fefe8be6ce98304b6f7704.png https://i.gyazo.com/b8877fd5d69296587770a4b0320c3b15.png It's harder to tell without shading, but she's blinking with the dark outer eyelid.