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Booroo ain't having it. Also, check out Vrazii's fancy radio/chest in the back there

I'm currently doing con prep and wrangling doctor appointments. These first ten pages are gonna get printed in a preview booklet for people to read at my convention table. So, next on the list to complete is actually the cover and insert info pages (which I will also post here) and then even more pages. One fourth of the way through this story, yay!

If you're in the California Bay Area and interested in seeing a very nervous Jay tabling for the first time, I'll be at Further Confusion 2019 from January 17-20 at the San Jose Convention Center table 11B!




god i wish i had the money to fly down and see your table in person. take my well wishes for safe travel instead!


that is a sweet radio. shame the owner is. um. mid-learning-experience on Being Less Of A Bastard.