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Air sleds were used historically on the avian homeworld as a faster alternative to ships. Since the land all of the flighted avian species lived on was typically scattered islands (many not bigger than the Hawaiian islands), over-land transport remained undeveloped for centuries since the ocean posed a bigger hurdle.

An air sled at its smallest unit is basically an airplane wing full of cargo, pulled by a sapient avian or by flying livestock. The cargo inside has to be carefully balanced by weight, and livestock driven sleds typically have an assisting sapient crew clinging to the back with their wings open to provide additional lift. In their heyday, massive air sled fleets would have units launched individually and then joined mid-flight to maximize the efficiency of the airfoil and the weight of cargo a single seagoose or avian could pull.




if times have moved on from them using this as the main method to transport goods, have air sleds become something that's sometimes made into a show for celebration or fun? similar to airplanes and the like.

Jay Eaton

In poor hi-density areas, even off the avian homeworld, this method is sometimes still used to quickly transport goods across a city. Avian cities can often have very awful road layouts and limited ground transportation services, so if you can't afford a drone, well, there's always your own wingpower.


ah, that's a relatable kind of situation solution (and also a very interesting bit of worldbuilding!). i can't afford a car at all, so busing and walking it is to get anywhere :')

David Helmer

Sorry for the necropost. Do avian cities have a lot of little airports scattered around or do airsleds just get landed in the streets or on rooftops?