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Sea geese are occasionally bred for meat, but they usually fill a more horse-y kind of livestock role. They're passable at pulling carts on land, good at pulling boats through calm waters, and excellent at pulling air sleds. Air sleds are basically an airplane wing full of goods that is pulled through the air by either sapients, livestock, or teams of both. It's much faster than shipping goods by boat, and was historically used a lot to carry cargo from island to island.




Interesting about air sleds! On Earth, rivers and ocean currents have had a big effect on history. I still think historical avians would find sailing ships useful for carrying bulk cargo, but getting cargo from island interiors to the coast, would be much easier for them than it was for us. So old avian cities won't all be on rivers like old human cities -- I guess they'd be on rises or at mountain passes where the air blows in the right direction? I'm sure over-sea air currents would also give some avian societies an edge over others. Oh I can see all the little arrows on the map right now. They're so beautiful!


I would like to order an air sled please?