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I was thinking about how it would be cool if there were permanently larval form moths (ala axolotls) that were the size of cats, pettable and soft, and had the temperament of an affectionate domestic mammal. This one is based on a  Spotted Tussock moth caterpillar, likes to sit on laps, but if you pet its back it will fussily groom itself afterwards.




[star eyes emoji]


Might these show up in Runaway to the Stars? It seems like the sort of genetic customization humans would be pros at by that point.

Jay Eaton

I'm not sure if RttS geneticists could effectively change the temperament of an arthropod towards that of a mammal (since we have radically different nervous systems) but making a giant caterpillar that never molts sounds like a piece of cake. Just need to give it a more efficient respiratory system and extend the larval part of the life cycle indefinitely.