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Prompt: The audio logs of a scientist who ran a month long trial of a low-volume, high-calorie ration meant to end world hunger, using herself as the test subject. By the final log she is too fat and gassy to get a coherent sentence out.

Entry 1

“Week one of testing the experimental, high-calorie rations. Results so far have been promising with minimal UUURRRP side effects. There has been an issue with indigestion and BWOOOORRRPP moderate weight gain, but it is negligible. For the sake of ending world hunger, I’m more than capable of living with an extra bit of chub around my-PHHHHHRRRRRRRRTTTTT.”

Entry 2

“Week two of BWOOOOORRPPP testing and the side effects have gotten much worse. I’ve easily doubled in UUUUUUUURRRP size. Clothes have been ripping off of my blubbery form over and over BWOOOORRRP again. The other day I mistook a large tear for another-


“-flatulence outburst. I will continue the experiment in the hopes of discovering a way of negating the downsides of the rations.”

Entry 3

“The initial experiment has been a complete-“


“-disaster. Despite going over UUUURRRP 800 pounds and releasing gas at all hours of the BWOOOORRRPPP day, I can’t stop myself from shoving the rations down my throat. I’ll add UUUURRRP more notes later after I eat more of the-“


Entry 4

“Ex-UUUUURRRPP-periment continues. Me over-“


“-1500 Pounds. Must keep BWOOOOORRRPP getting fatter and-“


Data Entries End


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