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Prompt: Yor, having gained a great deal of weight from too much of Loid's cooking, proves she's still a capable, and still freakishly strong, assassin while out on a mission. Have her take out foes with her girth: belly blocks, ass slams, thigh crushes, suffocation between her giant boobs.

   In spite of her recent body issues, Yor was dead set on completing her latest assassination mission. The drastic change had come as a side effect of both overindulging herself on Loid’s cooking. While she was appreciative for each and every delectable bite, it was hard to deny that it was causing issues. However, that didn’t mean she was going to abandon her duties as the Thorn Princess.

   Crashing the doors to the hotel room of her latest target, Yor tried to look intimidating even as her enormous, barrel-like belly swung about within the confines of her undersized, black dress. The guards that came to stop her were momentarily stopped by their eyes wandering towards her pudgy face and plump bosom. Seeing the way she had to use her thick fingers to free the skirt from betwixt her meaty rear, the guards were quick to laugh it off as some kind of prank.

   Any levity to the situation came to a drastic halt as Yor charged forward, using her bulk to bowl over the men. Easily blocking a blow with her belly’s heft, she sent him flying back with a slam of her wide hips. An attack from the front was easily thwarted by her strangely dexterous movement, allowing her to take him out by smothering his face with her breasts before moving onto her next enemy.

   With only her target left and her daggers lost amidst the battle, Yor decided to get creative. Running at full speed to leapt into the air to bring her ass slamming down on his face. Though he tried to escape, he was quickly pinned down again with a bounce of her buttocks. Slipping him in-between her thighs, she proceeded to put her thick thighs to work in crushing his skull. Judging by the discoloration on his face, she was certain that she would be able to finish up the job with plenty of time to rush home to enjoy another one of Loid’s delicious dinners.


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